Olivia Rodrigo: TikTok is removing music content from UMG performers including Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift.

Olivia Rodrigo:TikTok is removing music content from UMG performers including tracks by Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift.

Olivia Rodrigo
Olivia Rodrigo,photo:instagram


TikTok says it has removed all music from artists licensed by Universal Music Group, including Taylor Swift, BTS, Drake and Olivia Rodrigo.

“We began the removal late in the evening Pacific Time, January 31, as the [UMG/TikTok] license expiration date was approaching,” a TikTok spokesperson told media.

In addition to the music being removed, “videos containing Universal-licensed music have been disabled.”

In the open letter, UMG argued, among other things, that TikTok unfairly rewards its artists and that it has flooded the platform “with AI-generated recordings while simultaneously enabling AI-powered music creation, promotion, and development of tools to reward the platform itself.” The full text of UMG’s letter can be read here.

As UMG notes, TikTok’s enormous success is “largely based on the music created by artists and songwriters.” In turn, aspiring artists used the platform to launch their careers.

At least one UMG artist is unhappy that his songs were removed. In a video posted on the platform, Grammy nominee Noah Kahn says, “I will no longer be able to promote my music on TikTok. But luckily I’m not a TikTok artist, right?”

Kahan is signed to Republic Records, a subsidiary of UMG, but credits TikTok for his success. Fans on stage turned snippets of his songs into viral sensations. Kang was nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best New Artist category.

“UMG is taking the nuclear option of deleting all their music and trying to prove… that if TikTok didn’t have their catalog, they wouldn’t exist,” he said.

On Wednesday morning, UMG published what it called an “Open Letter to the Artist/Songwriter Community – Why We Should Call Time Out on TikTok.” One suspects that this letter is actually intended for music lovers and those who follow technology as well.

Olivia Rodrigo
Olivia Rodrigo,photo:instagram


In our contract renewal discussions, we are bringing them to their attention on three important issues,” the letter said about TikTok. “These issues incorporate assurance from accounts made by man-made brainpower, online security issues for clients and specialists, and high pay for songwriters.”

“As for the issue of craftsman and lyricist pay,” the letter proceeds, “TikTok has proposed to pay our specialists and musicians at a rate that is a negligible portion of the rate paid by enormous social stages in a comparative position. Despite its huge and growing user base, rapidly growing advertising revenue, and increasing reliance on music content, TikTok generates $100 million in total revenue. Only 1%. Ultimately, TikTok is trying to do this. build a music business without paying a fair price for music.”

Compensation is the biggest obstacle here, Cirisano said. She adds: “I would also like to say that this will probably benefit Universal Music Group as a company more than it will benefit the individual artists and songwriters.”

In a statement on social media, TikTok accused UMG of promoting “false narratives and rhetoric” and of putting “greed above the interests of its artists and songwriters.”

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