Vivek Ramaswamy abandons 2024 presidential election and supports Donald Trump

Vivek Ramaswamy announces Republican presidential bid after disappointing results in Iowa: 2024 US Presidential Elections


Vivek Ramaswamy
2024 US Official Decisions: Vivek Ramaswamy declares conservative official bid in the wake of frustrating completion in Iowa,photo:wallstreetjournal


Vivek Ramaswamy said after leaving the presidential race at the Iowa caucuses,”We will work to ensure that Donald Trump is the next president”.

After a poor performance in the Iowa caucuses, the first election of the 2024 Republican presidential contest, biotechnology entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy announced on Monday that he is withdrawing from the campaign.

2024 US presidential election: Vivek Ramaswamy announced his Republican presidential candidacy after the disappointing result in Iowa, his spokesperson said.


38-year-old Vivek Ramaswamy supported his rival former President Donald Trump. Beforehand, he hailed Trump as “the preeminent president of the 21st century,” all the while advocating for a shift towards “fresh leadership” among Republican voters and a concerted effort to propel the “America First agenda” to greater heights. This perspective merits consideration.

The wealthy political outsider also modeled his candidacy on Trump’s campaign, campaigning as a fast-talking, headline-grabbing populist who constantly berated his opponents.

Donald Trump won a landslide victory in Iowa’s 2024 Republican presidential primary on Monday, reasserting his dominance over the party despite legal troubles as he seeks a rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden, reports said. Reuters.

“Thank you Iowa, I love you all!!!” Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social.

Vivek Ramaswamy also endorsed Trump as the former US President tries to win back the White House in November.

“After exploring various avenues, it is apparent that the anticipated surprise for tonight didn’t materialize as intended. Consequently, we have decided to temporarily halt our presidential campaign moving forward. I have the next president There is no way to make it,” Vivek Ramaswamy said.

“As I’ve consistently emphasized from the outset, we have two candidates firmly rooted in the America First perspective in this race. And earlier this evening, I called Donald Trump to tell him that I congratulate him on his victory and that, going forward, you have my full support for the presidency,” Vivek Ramaswamy said.

Vivek Ramaswamy was one of Trump’s biggest supporters during the campaign. He described Trump as “the greatest president of the 21st century.”

Also read: Know Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy


Edison Research projected that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would finish second, surpassing former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, as he struggled to emerge as a major alternative to Trump.

According to Edison, with nearly 90% of the expected vote, Trump received 50.9% of the vote, while DeSantis received 21.4% and Haley received 19.0%. The largest margin of victory for the Iowa Republican caucus was 12.8 percentage points for Bob Dole in 1988.

According to Reuters report, it is too early to say whether Trump will surpass 50%, a psychological number that will further weaken his rivals’ argument that his march to the nomination could be derailed.

Both DeSantis and Haley were aiming for a strong second-place finish to reassure donors and supporters that their challenges to Trump would remain viable.

Trump has tried to create an air of inevitability around his campaign, skipping all five Republican debates so far and largely avoiding the county-by-county politics that most candidates do ahead of the Iowa vote. Have been.

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