Prime Minister Meloni: Deepfake video of Italy’s Prime Minister Meloni

Deepfake video of Italy’s Prime Minister Meloni: The accused put Georgia’s face on that of an adult movie star, the Prime Minister compensated.

Prime Minister Meloni

Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has asked for compensation for the damages caused by the deepfake video. The 40-year-old accused had posted the video of Melon with her 73-year-old father on an American adult content website.

According to British media BBC, the accused would have made the deepfake video before Meloni became the Prime Minister i.e. in 2022. In this, Georgia’s face would have been like that of an adult film star. A defamation case was filed against both the accused.

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Police reached the accused through mobile

Meloni has to pay compensation of 1 lakh Euro i.e. around Rs 90 lakh. In this case, on 2nd July, Rosi Saari will give evidence in the court. BBC reports how police tracked down the accused through a mobile phone used to upload alleged adult videos.

Meloni will donate the amount received as compensation


Melonichi’s lawyer Maria Giulia Marongiu said – The Prime Minister is demanding compensation, it is symbolic. Women who have been victims of such crimes are afraid to raise their voice, either to send a message or to seek compensation. After receiving compensation, the third amount was donated to a fund to help women victims of violence.

At the same time, as per the request issued by Melon’s team, the video uploaded in 2022 has been seen by millions of people. Under Italian law, some cases of defamation can result in criminal charges and possible prison time.

Melonie caught in rape case

Georgia Meloni would have posted the rape video in August 2022. After this the promise was found. This video takes place in the city of Pisanza. In this, a black man rapes a deported woman from Ukraine. While posting this video, Melanie claimed that such incidents will be dealt with sternly.

Modi calls deepfake technology dangerous

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी 17 नवंबर 2023 को भाजपा मुख्यालय में दीपावली मिलन कार्यक्रम में शामिल हुए थे। इसी दौरान उन्होंने डीपफेक वीडियो पर चिंता जताई थी।
video: Dainik Bhashkar

Regarding the deepfake video, PM Modi would have said – ‘Yes, the video has been made with the help of AI, but it is a matter of concern. In a diverse society, people’s emotions get hurt over small things. There may be trouble there.

When I met people promoting AI, I told them that it is like a cigarette butt or a warning. And I said that whoever uses it, there will be a sign saying ‘It is made from deepfake’.

What is deepfake?

In today’s digital age, with the help of internet, many times outdated news and misleading information is spread to the people. Similar videos are also distributed. This is called deepfake. It is very difficult to distinguish between true and false. This involves the use of Artificial Intelligence Technology (AI) and Machine Learning software.

Using it, converted copies of media files like photos, audios and videos are created, looking exactly like the original file. In simple terms, deepfakes are advanced forms of morph video.

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