Netflix Thriller Damsel: Millie Bobby Brown Transforms Into Rambo in Netflix’s Adnenture Review

Netflix Thriller Damsel,hoto: HTR

Netflix Thriller Damsel: Millie Bobby Brown transforms into Rambo in Netflix’s twisted thriller

Netflix Thriller Damsel
Netflix Thriller Damsel: Millie Bobby Brown Film Tries to Subvert Fairy Tales


The Stranger Things star isn’t always convincing as a princess fighting for her life, but her refreshing subversion of fairy tale tropes is entertaining.

Inheriting long-held expectations about how fairy tales should be presented, and then changing them rapidly, is something some filmmakers often think about, throwing off clichés with a weary look or a smug smile. It’s not fresh enough to be repetitive. But Netflix’s Damsel and Hulu’s 2022 offering The Princess are so similar that they don’t need our wonders at reinventing the wheel to get over the hurdle, making such an endeavor It is premature to get caught up in complacency.

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In fact, there are very few surprises in store here. Perhaps it will be quick to take revenge. For Elodie (Netflix star Millie Bobby Brown), her journey begins with a different kind of struggle. The family, led by her father (Ray Winstone) and her stepmother (Angela Bassett), is in trouble, and the people are also in trouble and need a miracle to save them. A handsome prince (Nick Robinson) from a distant kingdom wants to make her his wife, and through the arrangement of her strong-willed queen (Robin Wright), this magically comes in the form of a marriage proposal. However, her happy ending was actually a tragic beginning, part of an ancient ritual marriage in which she was thrown into a cave and sacrificed to a dragon. The romance turns disastrous when Elodie is forced to flee to safety.

It’s a bit of a riff on the classic neglected revenge story, in a subgenre played to the point of exhaustion featuring young women who endure physically demanding conditions to rise up as action heroes. It’s not as refreshing on the surface as another bride-to-be-marriage-to-sacrifice thriller, but it’s far more effective than 2019’s independent film Ready or Not. It’s much more interesting if you entertain it. many).

photo; HTR

Spanish genre director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo has been away from Hollywood for years (the reaction to 2011’s Clive Owen horror The Intruders was bad enough to keep him away), but Damsel is the first movie we’ve ever seen. It is a lower adventure that you will see. Elodie: It’s fun to watch Prince explore the importance of his own resourcefulness and independent drive for love.In a delightful twist of feminism, the queen not only governs the kingdom, but Elodie’s stepmother also asserts authority over her family, while a formidable female dragon reigns supreme within the cave.”

This allows the three aging female protagonists to take up time and space in a film of this size, effectively leaving unused Wright (needs a few more gory one-liners) and Oscar-nominated Ice You can give a type like. Has a wonderful scary voice. Shohreh Aghdashloo. Like many child actors, Brown could use a little more force in her line delivery and emotional responses, which works better in the Enola Holmes movies, but she also feels a little self-conscious and artificial at times. It is noticeable when young, but decreases with age. A film like Damsel doesn’t require serious, down-to-earth acting, but she comes into her own only when the role relies on her to move from words to action. To do.

While some of the broader scenarios may feel a little AI-assisted, Otome reminds us that we’re watching a Netflix mockbuster rather than an actual blockbuster. It tells you a lot, if not all, of the scenes that might make you want to do something. The world is engaging if a little unfamiliar, the dragons move more nimblely than the CG monsters in these movies, and there’s also a story near the end, although the dank cave setting can be a bit boring. Luckily it’s bright.

Even if Damsel doesn’t exactly rewrite the storybook, she makes up for it with a competent reimagining, a spirited revenge drama that offers a thin but encouraging message for young female viewers and older viewers alike. be. Eat with a spoon. Same old gender cliché. This time I added a little salt along with the sugar.

Damsel is now available on Netflix

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