Mother’s Day: Why Is USA And UK Celebrated On Different Days?

Mother’s Day: Mother’s Day, also known as Mothering Sunday, is celebrated in the United Kingdom today.

Mother's Day
 photo: freepik


Mother’s Day, also known as Mothering Sunday, is celebrated in the United Kingdom today.

It is a day to celebrate the undying passion and love of our mothers who selflessly raised us. It is a day to honor the pillars of our lives.

Across the globe, this occasion is commemorated on various dates. According to National News, some countries celebrate it on the same day every year, while others celebrate it on different dates.

Mother’s Day is celebrated in the UK today, March 10th, while in some Middle Eastern countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, it is celebrated on March 21st.

It is celebrated on May 12th in the United States and India.

Mother’s Day: Why are they celebrated on different dates?

The reason for the different dates is the history of the holiday.

Mothering Sunday, named after the Christian festival, first began as a way to encourage people to visit their local “mother” church. This event was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent each year.

Over time, the meaning and significance of the holiday changed to one that celebrates the bond with family, especially mothers.

By the 17th century, this tradition lost its religious meaning and became a day to honor mothers.

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In Great Britain and Ireland, the tradition of celebrating this day on the fourth Sunday of Lent continues.

Meanwhile, in America her holiday was changed in 1914 to the second Sunday in May.

Many countries like India, New Zealand, and Australia celebrate this day as well as America.

Mother’s Day UK 2024
Mother's Day
 photo: freepik


Mother’s Day is approaching and supermarket shelves are full of cards, flowers, gin and chocolate.

Of course, you need to know the exact date of your donation date, as the date changes every year and can catch you by surprise.

Mother’s Day is usually celebrated at Easter in the UK, but Easter is determined by the lunar calendar, so it varies each year.

Mother’s Day in the UK always falls on the fourth Sunday during Lent, and people usually give up certain foods, bad habits, etc. for a few days before Easter.

This is different from Mothering Sunday in the United States, an annual holiday observed on the second Sunday of May each year.

What is Mother’s Day?


Mother’s Day honors not only mothers but also grandmothers and other maternal figures.

This day was originally associated with Christianity, but since then it has largely lost its connection with the church and has become primarily a family day.
In the Middle Ages, it was believed that people who left their homeland visited their hometown or “mother” church, as well as their mother, on the fourth Sunday of the Christian festival of Lent.

In England, this day became known as Mothering Sunday, and as the date of Lent approached, it also became known as Mother’s Day.

British Mother’s Day is unrelated to the American version, although the name is the same.

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