Google Core Update 2024: What We Saw In A Week March 2024 Core Updates

Google Core Update 2024

Google Core Update 2024: What we saw in a week from Google’s March 2024 core and spam updates.

Google Core Update 2024
Google Core Update 2024,photo:onpassive


Rankings were volatile on Friday and Saturday, and a manual riot last Thursday limited upside on Monday.

It’s been just over a week since Google’s March 2024 core and spam update, and he’s been really busy. During that time, we have seen fluctuations in search rankings, including those related to algorithm updates and Google’s manual steps to enforce updated spam policies.

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Haven’t done it yet. It is important to emphasize that these updates are not finished yet. Google said the main update will take about a month to be fully implemented, and multiple systems will be updated during that time. Spam updates also take about two weeks to implement. It’s only been a week since the update, so expect more changes in search result rankings in the coming weeks.

Timeline of change. Here’s a quick timeline of changes confirmed last week:

March 5th – Google announced his March 2024 Google Core and Spam Update.

March 6 & 7th – Google made a few manual actions with regarding to spam policy violations and several sites were eliminated from his Google search.

March 8th & 9th – We may have seen the first signs that core and spam updates are algorithmically impacting site rankings.

March 10th and 11th — Google seemed to be a bit quiet, but at the same time some sites affected by both algorithm changes and manual actions were recovering (at least temporarily). I’ve seen some (not many) reports indicating that there is. .

Google Core Update 2024: Duplicate and Confusing Updates

Google Search makes so many changes at once that it’s hard to track what’s impacting it. Today we also have core updates, spam updates, manual actions, and changes to core web vitals. The effects of overlapping changes can confuse SEOs and site owners.

In fact, Google has deviated from its stated goal of limiting duplicate updates. In 2021, Google search manager Danny Sullivan said they are working to avoid duplicate updates. He reiterated this in 2022, saying, “We’ve worked hard to keep updates separate from each other, or with as little duplication as possible, to give creators a better understanding.”

Regarding the last update, he said: “Normally we try to avoid this, but we have both main updates and spam updates, and ultimately we push updates if we find they improve quality. “I intend to,” he repeated. Manual actions are not updates. The new spam policy is not an algorithm update, so it is not an “update” that “duplicates” a core update or spam update.

Google Core Update 2024: Why do We Care?
Google Core Update 2024,photo:sej


It might be fun to see these updates every day while writing about it. But for SEOs and site owners, this can be very stressful. It’s probably worth waiting until these various updates are complete and the issue is resolved.

In the meantime, you can continue to follow Google’s advice to improve the quality of your site’s content and user experience. There’s nothing wrong with focusing on this at any time.

Stay tuned to see how all of these Google search algorithm updates unfold.

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