George Washington’s Birthday: We Should Still Follow George Washington’s Advice.

George Washington’s Birthday: The federal holiday we celebrate today is not Presidents’ Day.It is George Washington’s birthday.

It has been celebrated this way since 1778 and has been an official federal holiday since 1879. To give federal employees a three-day weekend, it is often not celebrated on Washington’s actual birthday, February 22. This is no excuse to reduce his title to primacy.

George Washington
George Washington,

Washington may or may not be the greatest American; Without a doubt, he was the most indispensable American. We should be grateful for what he has given us and be guided by his example.

George Washington was born 292 years ago in a completely different world. In fact, his birthday was recorded as February 11, 1731 according to the Julian calendar in force at the time. George II’s reign had lasted only five years, having been king until Washington was 28 years old. About 630,000 of the king’s subjects at the time lived in the twelve English colonies along the east coast (the 13th, Georgia, was first established in 1733) and half of them lived in Massachusetts, Virginia or Maryland. . Less than 50,000 people lived in New York.

Washington never received a college education (only four universities existed in the colonies at the time), but the strict rules he implemented as a teenager to develop virtue and manners included “keeping your breasts alive.” It also included a reminder to “work for.” The spark of the divine fire called conscience.” It never went out. At age 18 he came into the world as a surveyor and virtually charted the development of his country. When Washington turned 20, the population of Virginia doubled and doubled again when he turned 40. He was one of the first to believe in the continental destiny of the United States, giving his name to its Congress and Army.

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Washington was a model of many virtues. A natural leader and man of great physical strength, he embodied active qualities: courage, industriousness, endurance, perseverance, endurance and a powerful sense of honor. A man who usually likes to stick to tradition and play it safe took a huge gamble for a revolution that totally shook up his country and the whole world. He was a visionary in his time by vaccinating his army against smallpox.

However, he also imposed the virtues of moderation on his natural great passion, ambition and aggression. He repeatedly retreated from power and rejected requests to declare himself king. He refused pay for eight years as commander of the Continental Army. He quietly tolerated personal slights and did not allow himself to be provoked into a fight for personal honor. He adopted Fabian military tactics contrary to his nature and allowed his advisors to dissuade him from his plans when they were too ambitious. As president, he steered the United States away from European entanglements for which he was unprepared and advised his successors to do the same.

Washington was surprisingly successful in business, not only as a planter but also as a serial entrepreneur. He became one of the richest men in America and (adjusted to the times) perhaps our richest president. And yet, from the moment he accepted the commission to lead an expedition to the Ohio Territory in 1753, most of his next 43 years were spent in public service. He knew when he had to go when he retired from the presidency at the age of 64.

Just as Washington put his skills in the field to work to serve his country in war, he put his formidable talents and business acumen to work (along with Alexander Hamilton) to lay the foundation for the economic revolution that created the superpower. economy of the world. The Constitution and the policies of the Washington administration gave the United States in 1796 a national market larger than any other in Europe, freedom from the supervision of an imperial capital across the ocean, a fiscally strong government, a reasonably Stable and liquid, patent protection and security provided. Copyright and a streamlined national judicial system are also putting us on a path toward easier creation of limited liability companies, the abolition of debtors’ prisons, and the construction of interstate infrastructure. None of this was true in 1775.

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